Moisture Sensor PCB

Kicad can meet or exceed you needs in some cases for top-to-bottom PCB design. I used it to design this Moisture Sensor PCB for my Automated Irrigation System project. The remote sensor device uses a Xbee 3 Pro module to communicate wirelessesly with a centralized hub. The hub controls water valve solenoids based on the moisture content collected by each sensor. The process from schematic to fabrication took several months but thankfully all that time paid off. OSH Park was used to fabricate the PCB and I was so happy with the results that I will be using them in the future for other projects.

Take a look, its in my Gitlab repo.

{% picture Moisture_Sensor_Device.png –alt Kicad 3D View %} {% picture Moisture_Sensor_PCB_2.jpg –alt PCB Photo %}
