Moisture Sensor PCB
Kicad can meet or exceed you needs in some cases for top-to-bottom PCB design. I used it to design this Moisture Sensor PCB for my Automated Irrigation System project. The remote sensor device uses a Xbee 3 Pro module to communicate wirelessesly with a centralized hub. The hub controls water valve solenoids based on the moisture content collected by each sensor. The process from schematic to fabrication took several months but thankfully all that time paid off.
Proton Stat
Sway WM is increasingly becoming my favorite window manager for Linux. Recently I decided to create a implementation to show the connection status of my ProtonVPN client with Waybar. I found this to be easier to develop than getting something to work in Gnome. Take a look, its in my Gitlab repo. Cheers.
Liberating The Blob
Since the launch of the Raspberry Pi back in 2012 I have been fascinated with what the community surrounding it has become. Diving into the hardware and poking around has become a favorite past time of mine. A few years back on Github, Kristina Brooks released an open source firmware for the Raspberry Pi, replacing the usual bootcode.bin found in the /boot directory of the SD card. Since then the project has matured to a point, where you are able to boot a very minimal linux kernel (with some work).
Hello World!
Welcome to my projects page. Here is where I will release some of the projects that I have been working on in hopes to better the computer science and engineering community.